
Spring Life Silica Water

Original price was: ₹5,000.00.Current price is: ₹4,250.00.

SpringLife ®
👉Helps to prevent fat formation in the vascular wall.
👉Helps to restore flexibility & mobility.
👉Good detoxification function to excrete toxins and bacteria in the stomach.
👉Promoting synthesis of elastase inhibitor by pancreas.

SpringLife ®
👉A premium water-soluble silica extracted from Japan natural crystal by unique and advanced technology, thus ensuring faster absorption and utilization by our body. It promotes better cellular functions to optimize the performance of all bodily functions.

After oxygen, Silica is the most available element found in the earth’s crust. Silica is a vital trace mineral required by the human body to carry out the on-going metabolic work vital to sustaining life.

2⃣️Adult body tissues (including lymph, glands, teeth, lungs, muscle, kidney, liver-brain, blood and other tissues) containing around 20g of silica. These tissues are strengthened by silica. However, we average will loss around 10-40mg of silica each day due to air pollution, radiation, intake of foods containing preservatives and pesticides and other factors.

3⃣️If our body cannot have a sufficient intake of silica daily, it will cause the following symptoms:
1. Skin sagging and darkness
2. Poor bone development
3. Hair loss
4. Nails which are brittle
5. Joints disorder
6. Fat accumulation in the vascular and causing the related diseases

4⃣️Silica ~ Ultimate Supplement For Life Long Health.
👉Helps to prevent fat formation in the vascular wall.
👉Helps to restore flexibility & mobility.
👉Good detoxification function to excrete toxins and bacteria in the stomach.
👉Promoting synthesis of elastase inhibitor by pancreas.


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